Page name: GO KILL YOURSELF [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-07-21 17:17:03
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(Although I'm sure most won't anyway)
Before you make any comment, before you come in there and tell me I suck, read the whole fucking thing. I'm really getting sick ofpeople coming in here and saying I'm a jackass,and I'm an asshole, when they don't even know what it is I'm talking about, because they haven't read the entire thing.


I do not give a flying fuck what you think about what I've written. In the last week, I've had two seprate youngins that somewhat fit the following description
message me, and tell me how wrong I am, or how stupid I am for my point of view. If you don't like it, FUCK OFF. I don't give a rats ass if you care or not. What's even funnier is that both of these youngins that have messaged me, didn't even know what they were talking about. Do I think that all 13-15 year old kids are depressed? No. Do I think that all kids that listen to Linkin Park and Evanesence are depressed? No. Do I have something against depressed people? No. I have something against kids that act like they're depressed because they think it's cool. Because they want people to pity them. Because they're too fuckin stupid to realize that life is not about the latest fucking band or acting cool.

The ones that don't seem to realize that they're just a bunch of fucking corprate tools that shop at Hot Topic and claim that they are "unique."

I hate to tell you, but you are not unique. You're fucking corprate tools. What is Hot Topic? A corperation. I don't wanna hear no shit about how you're a fucking individual. Grow up.

Now that it's been said, everything below is exactly as this wiki was and should be. Don't like it? Don't message me about it.
I don't give a fuck.
Kiss my ass, go to hell, or whatever else you would rather do.

*NEW* (26/26/05)*
You know, I was thinking about it earlier, and although music does play a huge part nin most of our lives, we are not the music we listen to. We are not defined by the bands we like.We as a people seem to put too much emphasis on the bands we listen to when forming relationships with other people... asif it's the only thing, we as human beings, should have in common with one another. I dont really think the music we listen to should dictate the rest of our behaviors. Thats what's wrong with this entire "goth/punk/emo" thing right now. You can ony be goth if you listen to the bands other goth kids listen to... or if you listen to punk bands, then you're only hardcore if you listen to bands nobody else has heard of.... it's pathetic really.... and it's only getting worse.

I finally realized the one thing that I hate worse than Wiggers! I absolutely, positiely and utterly LOATHE 13-15 year old kids that think it's "Cool" to be depressed. I've been browsing the random online members of this site, and unfortunately, about half the ones I found fit this category. We all know the type. They're like fourteen, and listen to Linkin Park, and Evanesence and think they're all goth, and spooky and shit. They talk about being suicidal because they think other people actually give a flying fuck what happens to them. They're the same kids that scream "accept me! accept me! accept me!" to the Ambercrombie and Fitch wearing crowd, but then scream about how much they hate preppies, ect. Just let me run into one of them in a dark alley, that is, if they weren't too scared to be alone in the dark.


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[Lethargic Panda]: Laughing because you think she's really a man?

[-.-]: Hey, would anyone mind if i joined?

[The Right]: I guess it's okay... you know... too many ppl ask permission.... lmfao

[-.-]: yeah, i dont want to join, then be told i cant because its lik a friend only wiki or something.. sorry!

[Lethargic Panda]: You should just refuse anyone who is polite enough to ask, for the sake of being mean.

[-.-]: OUTCH!! im so hurt...

[Lethargic Panda]: You misspelt ouch. x.x

[!~N1ghtingale l0cked in the cage~!]: HAHA!! you misspeller!!

[Lethargic Panda]: Sigh.

[-.-]: Oh! I did.. my bad!

[Lethargic Panda]: Too many exclamation marks.

[-.-]: !! You love them!! Damn picky-ness!!

[Lethargic Panda]: You're not nearly cynical enough for this place...

[-.-]: o.o.... Thanks... I'll be going now, then.

[Lethargic Panda]: ...o.o Did I scare you and/or hurt your feelings and/or make you feel unwanted/unwelcome? o.o

[-.-]: Nah, i just felt unwanted, not hurt, or scared me.. But i think that’s what you wanted to do, no? sense its not true, me being ‘cynical’ “believing the worst of human nature and motives” don’t think I did that now did i?

[Lethargic Panda]: ...You looked up cynical? x.x

[-.-]: Yes, I’m not very bright, and any word that I don’t normally use I do not know…as embarrassing as it is, its true, sorry.

[Lethargic Panda]: Well you should be. o.o

[-.-]: Only If I had a good teacher when I was younger... oh well.

[Lethargic Panda]: Blame it on the teachers? :P

[-.-]: If I had a good teacher, who could of helped me learn, my vocabulary may of increased… but sadly it hasn’t… and yes, I am working on it by learning the words I hear/read from friends/people I meat/things I read…

[Lethargic Panda]: I...see...

[-.-]: HAH! Am i scarring you now?

[Lethargic Panda]: Did you mean scarring or scaring? You're not doing either; just had trouble focusing on the rest of your sentence when you wrote 'meat,' instead of 'meet.' o.o

[-.-]: LMAO!! And I mix.. ALL my words up.. their, there – to, too, two,(well not two) – meat, meet… umm.. yeah…

[-.-]: and i mean scaring

[Lethargic Panda]: It takes a lot to scare me.

[-.-]: Really now? Thats good!

[The Right]: * giggles* made even more banners.... yay!

[Lethargic Panda]: I suppose?

[-.-]: Im about to put more drawings up.. hmm.. :)

[Lethargic Panda]: That is very nice. o.o

[The Right]: there... new ones are up

[-.-]: LMAO!! I Love the last one!

[The Right]: I liked it myself... kinda proud of it I am....

[Lethargic Panda]: I like the detail of the first guys face.

[-.-]: What do you ALL think of my drawings in my house..? don’t have to look but id like a comment.. erm.. really off topic ant i?

[Lethargic Panda]: They're very picture-y. o.o

[-.-]: That bad or Good?

[Lethargic Panda]: Take it as you like.

[The Right]: isn't it soooooooo pwetty? lol he's becoming the spokesperson.... well, sorta.... lol

[Lethargic Panda]: I see. o.o *poke* My eyes hurt. How's ye been?

[-.-]: o.o

[Lethargic Panda]: Feel left out?

[!~N1ghtingale l0cked in the cage~!]: lol ahaha I like the banner O.o it's just so0 pretty!!~!~!!!

[Lethargic Panda]: Sigh.

[fjrufje nrhrjgk girirmff]: Hehehe...Am I a bad person for finding this fucking hilarious?

[Lethargic Panda]: You're a bad person for other reasons.

[Lethargic Panda]: *killed the conversation with acrimony...once more* I'm setting records. :D

[Lethargic Panda]: Hello!

[The Axe Effect]: Ah... I feel a real eloquent conversation coming.... How are you?

[Lethargic Panda]: I'm rather blank, I do say. Yourself, cowboy? *tips hat*

[The Axe Effect]: Welll.... I'm locked inside a great brick building and sitting behind a computer while the sun is shining and we should all be happy and outside. It is called work, I think...

[Lethargic Panda]: I see. It's 1:06 am here, so it's not all too light. >:D *vacuums darkly*

[The Axe Effect]: Well, It's practically lunchtime here, so I'm gonna go enjoy myself with .... FOOD!

[Lethargic Panda]: Now it's 4:28 pm. Ever feel like your eyes are being pushed outward?

[The Right]: *raises eyebrow*

[Lethargic Panda]: that a no? x.o

[-.-]: o.O

[The Axe Effect]: I have it all the time. It's boredom trying to fight it's way out I think...

[The Right]: or maybe the last of the braincells trapped in your head trying to escape.... jk

[Lethargic Panda]: ...You're mean. o.o No sexy dances for you.

[The Axe Effect]: Well, I'd try to escape too if I didn't have any friends...

[-.-]: Ouch... O.O

[The Right]: *feels bad* no no no... don't take naughty time away.... lol

[-.-]: naughty time?

[The Right]: I don't know.....

[-.-]: Strange...

[Lethargic Panda]: *throws an spear*

[The Axe Effect]: *Ducks*

[Lethargic Panda]: It says 'an'...I know I put 'a!' >.< It's the gnomes, they're back. >.> Get the spear!

[The Axe Effect]: Can't we just club them? Keeps the pelt... uhm... green and moldy I guess...

[Lethargic Panda]: A vest of gnome pelts would be quite stylish; I like your thinking Schneider, keep this up, and you're going to the top. *puts us in a office setting...and renames you Schneider, the hardworking employee*

[The Right]: *jumps up and down* I wanna be the office slut!!! lmfao

[Lethargic Panda]: >.< My computer is being fucky.

[The Right]: whoooo hooo sounds like loads of fun

[The Right]: *is trying to figure out why half the ppl that look in on my elftown house have names like "eturnal torment' and 'evil gothic bitch 666" *

[-.-]: *thinks because there attarcted to em?*

[The Axe Effect]: WHOOO! I get to be the hard working Schneider.... Wait... Hard-worki... HEY!

[The Axe Effect]: Eturnal Torment en Evil Gothic Bitch are probably members of our greatest market. We should merchandise razors to them...

[Lethargic Panda]: My guess is that they see the go kill yourself wiki, and think it's pro-suicidal behavior...and pseudo-suicidal behavior, and being the dark children that they are, they click the link, only to find that they were fooled, and insulted.. Then, in an angered attempt to get back at you for this mass trickery, they go to your page to write an insult, but forget midway, as they are easily sidetracked by 13 year old girls in aol chat rooms...offering...dirty, dirty things...with extra z's. Yes, that must be it. And yes Schneider, you have lots of hard work. >:D

[Lethargic Panda]: So our company sells razors? ... A lot...of office work...there. x.x Well, it shall be simply sublime, and from this point on, I'll be writing in rhyme.

[-.-]: o.o... strange

[Little_Angel]: Hellooooooooooooooooooooooo

[Lethargic Panda]: *shakes fist*

[Little_Angel]: How is e1???

[-.-]: e1?

[Little_Angel]: Every 1 (bad at spelling)

[Lethargic Panda]: This is part of the reason I hold the grudge toward that stupid, stupid girl.

[Little_Angel]: ?????????????????? who me , i do not know you, you do not call poeple who are not good at spelling stupid.

[-.-]: Ouch...!!!! erm

[Little_Angel]: How are you Lynney

[Lethargic Panda]: I got in an argument with the little person a long time ago. She's not worth talking too, trust me. She just returns and comments here from time to time, to be annoying.

[-.-]: Hey, im a nice person.. and im sure you dislike me as well! Anyways! I'm fine, thank you very much for asking, you?

[The Axe Effect]: So. Who is in charge of marketing here?

[The Axe Effect]: Mebbe we should have a punchline like: Extra blades so you open your vain with one stroke; no skin irritation... And then we have this pic of a Goth kid bleeding on the floor with a lot of pretty women looking very approving at him. That 'll make em buy it...!

[Lethargic Panda]: That is some marketing genius, Schneider.

[The Right]: *thinks about it* that would make a great banner.... too bad I'm not THAT skilled with paintbrush. lol

[-.-]: o.o

[Lethargic Panda]: Then we could do it with photography! o.o We just need someone to kill themselves, and a handful of generic pretty women.

[The Right]: hmmmmm..... I don't know... there aren't many generic pretty women around here... so I guess I'm out.... although, it wouldn't be hard to talk my little brother into dressing up like a girl... he's good at it

[-.-]: Have to agree with [The Right], but older brother

[Lethargic Panda]: ...Is he a pretty girl?

[-.-]: Bet he'd kill me first

[The Right]: lol... my brothers think it's hillareous

[The Axe Effect]: Right, Linney, so your brother will kill you, we dress you up as a boy first, of course, and then the brother, dressed up like a pretty girl stands next to your bleeding corpse, and we take the pic... Problem solved? Oh, Man, I should make a carreer out of this...!

[Lethargic Panda]: Yes, but we need more than one pretty girl. o.o We want people to think that lots will like them, not just one. I mean...pseudo-suicidal people tend to not be monogamists.

[The Axe Effect]: Right, right... Um... Yeah. Um... Can't we edit them in later? Photoshop thingy?

[Lethargic Panda]: No, no we can't; it's onpossible. o.o We can however add lightning effects.

[-.-]: More i think about it, hed be an ugly girl... Erm... Anyone a make-up artist person? o.o

[The Axe Effect]: I'm in MARKETING, not MAKE-UP, I don't care if you call me Schneider or not, I am NOT the ET Beauty fucking Parlor!

[Lethargic Panda]: I am not, but I could give him a pretty mean sharpie handlebar mustache.

[-.-]: lmao!! LIES!!!

[The Axe Effect]: BAH! We're advertising RAZORS! No facial hair allowed!

[Lethargic Panda]: Can we at least shave off his eyebrows, and draw on permanently angry ones?

[Lethargic Panda]: ...Sigh. <img:> People that advertise themselves...are the one's that fall into the category of...people we hate. 


 Even more annoying yet, The Suicidals. x.x

[amandaguest]: ok, i dont understand. they are just doing it for sympathy. just ignore them like i do

[-.-]: LMAO!!! erm

[The Right]: so anyway... back to the razor-marketing... I can do makeup fairly efficently... hmmmm.... and my little brother says he'll do it for ten bucks.... my other little brother says he'll cover himself in ketchup or something to look like blood.... just a matter of finding other pretty girls... hmmmmmmmm

[The Right]: and yes, being strange is a hereditary thing in my family.

[-.-]: strange is good

[The Right]: occasionally... and other times it makes you sit in your basement at two AM and play on the internet....

[The Right]: Instead of getting sleep, I mean

[Lethargic Panda]: *poke* People are strange.

[-.-]: hah

[The Right]: *sings* when you're a stranger... faces look ugly when you're alone.... sry, couldn't help myself... it's a habit.

[Lethargic Panda]: Isn't the whole taking Cookie monster off cookies a travesty? *grows three times more cynical*

[-.-]: Im shoving things threw my tongue, that sounds wrong!

[The Right]: OYG my mother in law and I were talking about that earlier....

[Lethargic Panda]: Mine...or hers...? >.>

[Little_Angel]: Can i ask who do you hate poeple who say its cool to be suicidals or just poeple who need help because then are not happy and have or trying to kill them self

[Lethargic Panda]: Eloquently worded, though I didn't expect anything less. It's been said time and time again (and a few hundred more times) that we hate the former, opposed to the latter. In general, people who claim to be suicidal, or say...join a wiki for being suicidal...aren't really suicidal, thus falling into the category of hatred.

[-.-]: [Lethargic Panda] are you a writer?

[The Right]: the cookie monster thing. I hate people that say they're suicidal because they think it'll get them attention. I personally also beleive, that if somone is truely suicidal, they wouldn't tell anyone, because if they wanted to die that badly, they would know that there is a possiblity that someone might attempt to stop them.

[-.-]: [RaineDrop] is all about "im so suicidle, i like to burn myself and kill gerbals..." she anoys me... [glares at her stupidity] anyways… yeah… erm good point!!!

[Lethargic Panda]: The cookie monster thing makes me sad; I mean, his frikkin' name is "The Cookie Monster" can he not eat cookies? And no, no I'm not, just a cynical, nihilistic, mean person. :)

[-.-]: Damn! you should be a writer! Just for the hell of it!! or go critisize the suicdle! blah i cant spell sorry, to tired

[Lethargic Panda]: For the hell of it is a great reason to do lots of things. !

[-.-]: indeed, it is!! but come one, how many dumb asses write? damn i sounded mena! im sorry!

[Lethargic Panda]: Nah, it's true. But meh, anyone can makes it unspecial.

[-.-]: then make it special!! i hate being mean...

[Lethargic Panda]: Being mean is cool though. o.o

[-.-]: but i just dont like it... but it seems like the nicer i be, the meaner peopel are back to me, im just brutily truthful... thast my flaw

[Lethargic Panda]: Is it really a flaw?

[-.-]: yes, its my down fall.. humans hate to admit the trouth, they hate to know if they are to hyper, or if their hair is ugly or they wear to much make up or if they never shut up, but i always say, as much as they hate it i am right, and everyone else is happy, untull i tell them.. so it is a flaw... or i look as it as one..

[The Right]: hmmmm.... but if you didn't tell them... they couldn't do anything about it, although alot of these things are matters of opinion, so maybe even if you tell them... they won't want to change it... eh... I give up.....*walks to the corner and puts ona dunce cap*

[-.-]: they never do change it... or they start saying shit... its so damn anoying!!

[Lethargic Panda]: Meh, well, maybe you should think things through more. I get called brutally honest, but in actuality, I hold back a lot.

[The Right]: I wouldn't doubt that in the least. I'm sure you've been longing to call me a complete idiot for some time now.

[-.-]: o.O well as long as you admit it, no point saying it... and i dont know eather of you.. so ello

[Lethargic Panda]: No, silly Right, I'm in love with you. *violent music shift* *crazy eyes* >:D

[The Axe Effect]: Oh for God's sake... if no-one's gonna do it, It's just *GOTTA* be ol' schneider again...: YOU'RE A COMPLETE IDIOT. Now. If anyone could please enlighten me as to why we've been waiting to call Right that...?

[Lethargic Panda]: ...Because you love her too?

[-.-]: aww!! can we feel the love!? wait... no one loves me!!... ah a loner, nothing new!! [stares into space at the meanys(j/k)]

[Lethargic Panda]: ...You love her too, don't deny it, Lynney.

[-.-]: aww, kay!! LOVE YOU RIGHT!!!!!!! but only if you love me bak?

[Lethargic Panda]: ...No, you love her unconditionally! *commands*

[-.-]: yes master!!!!!!!!!!

[Lethargic Panda]: o.o *owns everything*

[-.-]: lmao!

[Lethargic Panda]: ...>.>

[-.-]: erm... yeah.. so now that im owned, how are you all?

[-.-]: ello

[-.-]: nothing much, you?

[-.-]: mm hmm

[-.-]: good music!

[-.-]: your anoying...

[-.-]: .. thast even more anoying...

[The Axe Effect]: I think I finally found our winner of the annual clueless-kid-of-the-year-award... YE GODS, that was stupid.

[Lethargic Panda]: I told you I have reason for hating her. >.< *warned you all*

[-.-]: you did, that was beyond anoying... kind of people i egnor... knwo i remember why o.O [dides behind them] its gonna eat me!!

[Lethargic Panda]: Why would she ask you to email her after you called her annoying? x.x

[-.-]: because she wants me? i dont know [stays hiden ] dun let it eat me! i dun wanna e-mail her!!! (unless its spam) erm...

[Lethargic Panda]: You should email her to see what she wants...o.o

[-.-]: NOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O.O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DUN MAKE MEE!!!! she scared me last night.. shes anoying!!! [nods many many times]

[The Right]: what... did I miss something?

[The Right]: okay, now that I've gone back and checked the older comments, you all think I'm an idiot because... .. because.... someone help me out here

[Lethargic Panda]: Because you told us to call you one, and we crave your validation.

[-.-]: scarry kids..

[-.-]: didnt you want to rape her?...

[The Right]: *raises eyebrow*

[Lethargic Panda]: ...o.O Um...I don' x.x I don't want to rape anyone.

[The Right]: this is good... because then I'd have to write you a referall to Laura's Castration Clinic....

[Lethargic Panda]: Is exclusive party? >.> :P

[The Right]: suuuure.... that's it....

[Lethargic Panda]: !! *gives you sedatives*

[The Right]: yay. Just what I needed. *Rolls eyes*

[Lethargic Panda]: You roll your eyes, but you know they make you happy. o.x

[The Right]: which is funny because I'm Oh so depressed....

[Lethargic Panda]: ...*gives you some shots* :D

[The Right]: *licks your face*

[Lethargic Panda]: ...Did I give you the wrong shots? x.o

[The Right]: I donno.... what's creepy is you didn't even have to strap me down first... lmfao

[Lethargic Panda]: *poke* Dirty lady.

[The Right]: yeah... well... I'm good at what I do.

[Lethargic Panda]: It is a difficult job. :P

[The Right]: *strips naked and dances about the room*

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